Integrow Health SA

087 135 1042

Are you missing out on these important elements?

Happy October!

Do you want more energy?

Apparently, more than half of Americans are low in magnesium and about three quarters are not meeting their recommended daily intake (RDI).

Hint: Magnesium is the critical element behind more than 300 metabolic reactions.

Other studies estimate that about 40% of elderly Americans are zinc deficient.

Hint: Zinc is part of more than 200 metabolic reactions.

Poor Americans, right? Lucky us, not so?

The thing is… those figures are probably true for most of the Western world. That includes us.

The other thing is… you probably don’t have a clue about the value of these two minerals.

Join the club. Neither does your doctor.

Most doctors graduate from medical school with only one paragraph’s worth of knowledge about these two minerals. No hard feelings, there’s a lot of stuff you’ve got to memorise and time is limited.

Most doctors wouldn’t be able to diagnose a low magnesium or zinc level if it bit them on the bum.

So, can you?


Below are a list of symptoms associated with low levels of these two critical elements. If you tick three or more, chances are your levels are on the low side.

Signs & Symptoms of Low Magnesium

Muscle twitches and cramps
Regular headaches / migraines
Mood disorders (anxiety / depression / anger)
Fatigue and weakness
Irregular heartbeat

Signs & Symptoms of Low Zinc

Poor appetite
Poor immunity
Altered/loss of taste and smell
Mood issues (depression)
Poor motivation / apathy
Brain fog
Poor memory
Poor night vision
Poor wound healing
Fine muscle tremor
Enlarged prostate / prostatism
Hair loss
Persistent skin lesions / eczema
White spotting of nails

How does it look? Did you pass the test?

Here’s another little secret: Vitamin D3 is crucial for the absorption of both magnesium and zinc.

Hint: Vitamin D deficiency is the most common medical condition worldwide (Reference). An estimated one billion (that’s billion with a B) people in the world have vitamin D deficiency. Some estimates are that as many as 60% of all humans have low Vitamin D levels.

To help you beat the lows, we’re offering a very BIG special for the next week. Until Thursday, 8 October, you can buy our magnesium, zinc and vitamin D combo for a very special price.

Our MgO delivers 240 mg of elemental magnesium per capsule, in a format that is rapidly absorbed. That’s about 60-70% of your RDI.

Per capsule, our NoViro delivers 15 mg elemental zinc (166% RDI), 2 500 IU Vitamin D3 (625% RDI) and 350 mg Vitamin C (390% RDI).

And all this with a touch of D-Ribose, a good sugar that boosts absorption of minerals and vitamins.

You can’t go wrong.

Our Mag-Zinc-D-C Combo contains 1 x MgO and 1 x NoViro. If you bought these separately, it would cost you R290. For the next week, you can buy the combo for R40 less, namely R250!

What is more, we don’t limit how many combo’s you buy – but if we run out, we run out (the shop will tell you when stock is gone).

Don’t lose out on
plenty of energy,
better sleep,
good mood and
a sharper brain!

Click here
(see your brain is getting sharper already…)

To your health!

The Team at Integrow Health

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